The Manhattan Project: The First Atomic Bomb

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The Manhattan Project In the beginning of World War II, German dictator Adolf Hitler gained interest in developing an immense amount of energy by splitting uranium nuclei. During this time he began planning research for creating an atomic bomb. American physicist, Leo Sziland was fearful of this. He and Nobel peace prize recipient, Albert Einstein penned a letter to the United States president, Franklin D. Roosevelt, prompting him to build the atomic bomb before Hitler could. (White Light/Black Rain: The Destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki) The United States along with the United Kingdom would embark on a race to build the first atomic bomb. This great race was named the Manhattan Project. In anticipation of beginning the program, there was an extensive amount of fieldwork covered in nuclear energy between 1932 and 1939. The discovery of the neutron by James Chadwick in 1932 clarified the reason for atomic weights of the same element differed. (Delgado 43) Research in atomic energy progressed when scientists learned that using a neutron to bombard atoms performed better than protons and alpha particles. That process would later become known as fission. Later into the research, two radio chemists, Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassmann would pioneer that the result of the splitting an atom concluded in lighter elements. They…show more content…
The organization would expand to employ 130,000 people and end up totaling at a cost around $2 billion. An experimental reactor pile was tested in 1942, at the University of Chicago. It generated the first self sustaining-nuclear reaction. Following the reactor pile test, the Manhattan Project established a top secret laboratory at Los, Alamos, New Mexico, to design and build the atomic bomb. At the time they also constructed other secret facilities to create weapons grade plutonium. (White Light/Black Rain: The Destruction of Hiroshima and

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