The New Manhattan Project: The First Successful Atomic Bomb

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Their is was a big flash and boom, the first successful Atomic Bomb. It was July 16th, 1945 and the colossal fireball burst over the New Mexico Desert. It had been Eleven Years in the process of making the bomb and it all started with a Hungarian physicist, Leo Szilard. He discovered that hitting Uranium with atomic particles, they could split the nuclei of certain atoms. By doing this it was creating huge amounts of Energy. Scientists soon realized that they could use this energy to create very powerful bombs. Scientists started working vastly to create an atomic bomb. In this process they found that a rare form of Uranium was needed to create explosive chain reactions. This uranium was Uranium 235. Also scientists in France discovered that Plutonium could also used in the Place of Uranium.…show more content…
This concerned the US, so Albert Einstein and a refugee from Germany warned President Roosevelt that Germany was planning on building an Atomic Bomb. They then started an American Research Project on it. Roosevelt responded by setting up an Uranium Committee whish reported that it would be possible to create an Atomic Bomb . Research on Atomic Bombs increased when the United states entered World War II. soon after word American and British forces joined to work together against Germany, this ends being the Manhattan Project. Many brilliant minds were gathered to work in a lab in Los Alamos, New Mexico. In the summer of 1945 the first plutonium bomb was ready to be tested after two billion dollars of spending. Three weeks later the first Atomic Bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, Japan. The B-29 Bomber dropped the Uranium-235 called Little Boy on the Town. Ten square kilometers of the city were flattened and 78,000 people killed. Three days later the Fatman Plutonium bomb was dropped on Nagaski, killing 35,000
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