Three Approaches to Psychotheraphy

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Running Head: COMPARI SON 1 Three Approaches to Psychotherapy: Comparing the therapies By Andrea Weston PSYC 2330-62: online James L. Becker, M.A. Instructor April 6, 2013 Three Approaches to Psychotherapy: Comparing the Therapies After watching the film Three Approaches to Psychotherapy, this author feels that she has gained insight into how the different methods utilized by counselors during their sessions my affect the outcome of the therapy. In the film, a client named Gloria was interviewed by three therapists, Carl Rogers, Fritz Perls and Albert Ellis talk At the time that the film was produced each of the three were considered to be stars in the field of psychology as they had distinct divergent methods the film show cases each of their methods . In the film, each was given a 30-minute session with Gloria. Before each of their sessions the therapists discussed the major characteristics and principles of his specific method (Shostrom (Ed.) 1965. This paper is concentrated on the methods of all of the three and they will be compared and contrasted with one another. The paper ends with discussion of the methods of Albert Ellis which this author feels is the most effective of the three. The film starts with Carl Rogers. He explains his method of counseling which is known as the humanistic approach to psychology or self theory. This is a client-centered approach that calls for the therapist to try to create a non judgmental, caring environment with the therapist being as real or genuine as possible. The therapist keeps the session in the present or in the moment. The client lead the session and the counselor does not give them any advice directly. Rather, he or she tries to restate and validate what the client is saying allowing them to reach their own answers. Carl Rogers thinks that this in the moment style is very effective
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