2.3 Communication and Professional Relationships with Children, Young People and Adults.

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1.1• describe how to establish respectful, professional relationships with children and Young people. When building relationships with children and young people it is important to adapt your behaviour and communication accordingly: Make sure the children know the ground rules and boundaries. Let children have the opportunity to put forward their own ideas and allow them to express themselves in their own time using their own words. Give children your full attention when working with them, which you can achieve through body language, facial expression, speech and gesture. Making sure you are listening to the children when they are talking, this will show them that you are interested and value their opinion. Show that you are approachable, this will put children at ease, children of all ages and abilities and culture should feel secure and valued. When children see how adults behave they will copy this behaviour and take this into adulthood so it is important that they have good role models. 1.2• describe with examples how to behave appropriately for a child or young person’s Stage of development. When dealing with children you should ensure that when communicating with them you take into account their age, stage of development. (Some might be more advanced than others) and children who may have additional needs, as they will require different levels of support and attention according to their needs and the length of time they can concentrate. Children in Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1: When you are communicating with children and young people this young you have to take into account that the children are just developing their communication and language skills it is also best when we talk to these young children to come down to their level as it would be less intimidating for them. Children of young ages will find it hard to concentrate and tire
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