Betrayal and Isolation in Hamlet

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Betrayal and isolation in Hamlet Certainly isolation affects Hamlet's behavior and attitudes during the play. He is, first of all, a prince, and that position alone isolates him from the general populace and the usual unencumbered friendships that most people grow up with. No doubt that's why he treasured his time at Wittenberg and the friend he has there. Additionally, his growing isolation during the play - his loss of his father, his rejection of his mother, his disgust at his uncle, his betrayal by his uncle, by Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, and finally, at least in his own perception, by Ophelia, (extend **) isolates him more and more till he's left with no one but Horatio - who is himself an outsider - to support him. Hamlet is shocked in disbelief that his own uncle would betray the family this way. In Hamlet, much of the loneliness and suffering he endures is due to the betrayals he is forced to keep. There were many instances where Hamlet felt alone and upset but he could not share his pain with anyone else. This was a factor that added to his suffering. We can also find many examples of Hamlet’s despair due to betrayal from his so called friends.(extend with examples) Hamlet also feels intense betrayal from his mother. He trusted her and feels like she has disregarded any love she ever felt towards her former husband.(extend, see below*) All of these factors not only contributed heavily to his depression, but caused his overall demise. *His father's death makes his mood very melancholy. He feels that his father left him and he mourns over his death. His father dies two months ago and he feels that isn't enough time to mourn. To point this out, But two months dread, nay, not so much, not two; (I,ii,138) The more Hamlet grieves about his father, the more he dislikes Claudius. To verify this, She married; O most wicked speed, to past. (I,ii,156)
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