Chinese Immigration To America

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Immigration in America “Land of the free!” A phrase often used for relating to America and its unlimited opportunities and freedom. Immigration is a controversial topic, people think that immigrants are tying up jobs, producing hardships, and creating poverty for the American people. Actually, the founding fathers of America would have been immigrants too in the eyes of the Native Americans. The Americans came and took the land from the Native Americans and brought hardships upon the Indians. So who are we, Americans, to have the right to judge whether immigrants are allowed to come to America in pursuit of the same opportunities as our founding fathers did hundreds of years ago. We are just as guilty as the immigrants. America only rose…show more content…
The gold news brought around 300,00 people over to California and affected the small settlement of San Francisco, around 200 residents, to grow to a settlement of about 36,000 residents by 1852. A large portion of that population was the Chinese immigrants, Chinese immigrants were known as hard working and cheap laborers who help with the construction of the railroads and other growing settlements in the area. We cannot deny the fact that the Chinese were a great help and importance in our development as a country with transcontinental railroads and steel manufacturing titans. “We admit that the Chinese are exceedingly expert in all kinds of labor and they were of great service in railroad building, in mining, gardening, general agriculture, and as domestic servants” (Report, “On the ‘Evils’ of Chinese Immigration” p.458). The Chinese were a great help to our country by providing cheap labor, but because of that they took jobs from the American laborers who desired higher wages and because the overwhelming amount of Chinese immigrants assimilating into our society we passed the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 that placed a restriction on immigration of Chinese laborers. If we view this situation in the point of view of Indians how would us, Americans, feel if the Indians prohibited the immigration of the earliest “Americans or Pilgrims” who came to the…show more content…
Currently, in our modern time, the immigration issue we have now is with the Mexican ethnicity. Some people say the vast amount of Mexican immigrants are tying up American jobs but in reality they are not, in fact they are improving it, most American aren’t interested in the jobs that the Mexican immigrants hold. “ The vast majority of the jobs held by Mexican immigrants are jobs that would not interest the majority of Americans because they are generally low paying work done by unskilled workers” (Steven A. Camarota, “Immigration From Mexico” Web Article). Mexican immigrants also in no way harm us in our wealth but they rather help us with our finances. “Mexican immigrants contribute four percent of total U.S. GDP. Including second and third generation Mexicans, their contribution rises to eight percent” (Anonymous, “Here’s The Real Economic Impact Of Mexican Immigrants On The US” Web Article). They mainly contribute to the construction and agriculture sector of America’s GDP. Without them running and producing the main essentials of life for America the American citizen would not have enough resources to improve as a nation if it has to split it’s focus on agriculture and construction as well as scientific advancements and business/political

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