Comparing 'Popol Vuh And Genesis'

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Creation Stories The Earth was created one way or another, and we found this out in the two creation stories we read: “Popol Vuh” by Anonymous and “Genesis” from the bible. A creation story is a story about how the Earth/things/people were invented or created. These two stories were good, and similar in many ways. They were also very different too. “Popol Vuh” and “Genesis” were very similar in many ways, but the main one I thought was how they killed people. “For yet seven days, and I will cause it to rain upon the earth forty days and nights; and every living substance that I have made will I destroy from off the face of the earth.”(70). This quote was from Genesis’s Noah and the Flood, and it showed how angry God was at the people. He killed everybody on the Earth except for Noah with this deadly flood. “The earth was blackened because of this; the black rainstorm began, rain all day and rain all night. Into their houses came the animals, small and great. Their faces were crushed by things of wood and stone.”(82). See the Gods in Popol Vuh also made it rain and flood. They wanted…show more content…
“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep.”(65) This quote was from Genesis’s Creation and the Fall and it showed how Genesis had only one God. This was a major difference because Popol Vuh had like ten Gods. “Only Heart-Of-Sky, alone. And these are his names: Maker and Modler, Kukulkan, and Hurricane.”(79). Those were only part of the Gods, but it shows how many different ones there were. Also Heart of Sky is three gods named: Thunderbolt Hurricane, Newborn Thunderbolt, and Sudden Thunderbolt, which shows each of their jobs, while Genesis the one God did it all by himself. Genesis and Popol Vuh were very different, and even though they each had a God(s) they did way different
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