Comparing Two Approaches of Health and Social Care

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I am going to be comparing two approaches and explain how both approaches would help the health and social care providers support the needs of the service user. I will then give examples of where each perspective could be used and put into practice. The two approaches I am going to use are the social learning theory and the behaviourist. The social learning theory is an approach which focuses on people copying others to learn different behaviours. People that influence you, you tend to look up to them and listen to what they have to say and what they do. This would mean you are trying to copy the way they are. You would copy their behaviour and the way they do things and you may copy certain things about them that you never had before. The behaviourist approach is when they learn through punishment and positive reinforcement. If they do something wrong then they get punished for it and get told to do the right thing which will make them learn and remember the right behaviour. On the other hand, if they do something right and show good behaviour then they will get praised for it. This will teach them the good and right behaviour because they will remember what they have done to get praised and do it again. These two theories have similarities and differences within them when comparing them to each other. First of all, they are both all to do with behaviour and focuses on how our behaviour is learnt. Both theories have their own interpretation on how the behaviour is learnt and why you behave the way you do, but they still both look at the behaviour of people and the different ways it is learnt. The theories also both show that you behaviour is learnt through someone else. Whether it be from the social learning theory where you learn from copying others, or from the behaviourist theory where you learn through getting punished and praised from other people. They
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