Comparision Of Teachers And Nurses

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Teachers and Nurses Teachers, professors, nurses, or doctors are there ever really enough of these professionals? I chose to compare two careers options, nursing and teaching, for my informative essay. It is impossible to statistically compare these two careers. This is why I conducted interviews with a registered nurse and an elementary school teacher. During the interview process, I developed a series of questions I felt would be beneficial in comparing these two careers such as nature of work, salaries, and qualifications. The nature of work teachers and nurses pose are similar to some degree. Teachers and nurses play an important role as educator in different ways. Teachers have the important role of nurturing the intellectual and social development of their students. They provide their students with instruction and tools to help them learn and apply concepts in subjects such as math, English, science, and history. Along with the concepts and tools, the environment inside the classroom helps the students develop into responsible adults. A teacher’s work setting is more structured on a day-to-day basis but do deal with stressful situations such as large classes, heavy workloads, and taking work home (BLS “teachers”1). Nurses have the important role of assisting the doctor in treating and educating the patients and their families on how to manage their illness or injury. They explain the importance of post-treatment home care such as nutrition, rehabilitation programs, and administering medication (BLS “Nurse”1). A nurse’s work setting is very fast paced, as in most cases, are dealing with a life or death situation. A nurse is at risk for contacting deadly diseases and with toxic, harmful, or potentially hazardous compounds, solutions, and medications. Both nurses and teachers work with varied ethnic, racial, and religious backgrounds (BLS “teachers and

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