Comparison Of Puritan And Transcendentalism

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Hierarchy and Socialism Puritan and Transcendentalism are both systems of belief, which come from a spiritual background. While Puritanism focuses on doctrinaire devotion to the orthodox religion of the times, Transcendentalism is a more relaxed philosophy that focuses on elevating their ideal spiritual state. The Puritans shaped religion, social life, and government in New World to their ideals. The Puritans organized their government according to the teachings that they found in the Bible and on the basis of their English experience. Transcendentalism is a very formal word that describes a very simple idea. People, men and women equally, have knowledge about themselves and the world around them that "transcends" or goes beyond what they…show more content…
Transcendentalists considered nature and the soul intimately linked. Transcendentalists found comfort and divinity in the rhythms and seasons of the natural world. Despite the increased industrialization in the world in which they lived, the search for meaning in nature was of great importance (Francis pg.7). Emerson, Thoreau, Hawthorne, Fuller, Melville, and others saw possibility, freedom, and purity in nature. Emerson’s definition of God and meaning is clearly different than that of the conservative Unitarian Church from which he split (Francis 4). Following ideas from Emerson’s work, Thoreau put them into practice. He saw nature as not just an awe-inspiring force but also a way of life. Thoreau saw nature as pure because it isn’t susceptible to commercialization and industrialization. It is both a relief and an educator. The Alcott and other transcendentalists were not unreceptive or opposed to the modernization of the world. However, they were concerned that too much modernization could result in alienation. Nature offered a way to keep people in touch with their souls and spiritual fundamentals. Puritans saw nature as God's gift to man who conquered the "unlimited"…show more content…
By being strict and simple with their daily lives it helped ensure their survival in the harsh New World. The Transcendentalists weren’t concerned with their survival but rather spiritual purity and connection with nature. Practicing a broader perspective of the “self” allowed Alcott and his follower to introduce social reforms that sparked in the minds of people across the nation. The Transcendentalists sought to secede from the institutionalized society and ended up with their ideas setting the foundation for social reform
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