Development Of Slavery

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Analyze the Origins and Development of Slavery in Britain’s North America Slavery has long been imprinted onto the image of the Americas; it has augmented and sporadically blackened the history of the colonial North America. It has roots so deep and complex in the primeval days of the Americas that the survival of the country owing to slavery can be easily asserted. Many factors contributed to the development of slavery in colonial America; these include the positive effects it had on the economical and population growth of the populace, the growth of capitalism, and the rise of individualism. The early origins of slavery in North America can be traced to the preexisting slave trade already flourishing between other European nations and Africa. Slavery was such a vital part in the cultivation of cash crops such as sugarcane that it was introduced to North America with its colonization. The availability of land combined with the growing demand of sugarcane in Europe quickly created an insatiable demand for African slaves, whom, by happenstance, tended to be suited well for work in the warm and tropical environments of the Americas. These Africans at first became indentured servants; nevertheless, the growing arrogance of the white man in his spiritual superiority and the need for even more labor led to the swift decline of the indentured servant. When other alternatives to slavery such as cheap white labor and convict laborers failed to deliver the desired results, the prevalent abstraction of a racially-based slave system finally emerged in the 1680’s. Furthermore, slave uprisings would also play a role in the shaping of the structure of slavery. With the development of the cash crops tobacco and cotton in the mid-1600’s, slavery rapidly blossomed into a convoluted system of trading between the Americas, Europe, and Africa. Due to these reasons, slavery flourished
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