Does Art Have to Have Meaning?

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Does art have to have meaning? Conversely, if something is meaningless, can it be art? Art is something that is created by someone using a rare, natural and a very creative talent or an invention in other words. The essay title translates to does inventions have to have meaning. There are many people that say that it is not possible or impossible to define the word “art” but if that was so, then the word “art” would have no meaning and value in our language. Since the word “art” is used all the time, it must have a meaning to it. Most people say that art can be anything or is everything. However, if we use the word “art” to describe everything, we are in danger to lose its actual meaning because it no longer separates some things to others. According to the Theory of Knowledge, we can classify “art” into 3 different parts- the creative intentions of an artist, the quality of the work and the responses of spectators. Beyond this, everyone’s opinion about what art is compiled of differs from each other. First of all, I’d like to define art in terms of ‘meaning’. Meaning is what an artist aims at, when he receives the inspiration to do something, he puts the meaning that expresses his feelings, thoughts, and ideas as the main part of his piece of work. You may think that a woman standing with a mysterious smile and those tender eyes are random but they were the ones that helped Leonardo De Vinci became a great artist of the world with ‘Mona Lisa’. You may think that those versions of Moonlight Sonata were random but it had helped Ludwig van Beethoven, a very poor German man became one of the most famous instrumental composers in the world. You may think that those abstract paintings of Picasso were random and that it was not worth millions of dollars that people want to spend on but it had meaning to it, and it had appealed to the buyers. All of the artistic and
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