Does Random Workplace Drug Testing Work?

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Random workplace drug testing has been used in the United States since the late 1980’s. There are many different methods of drug testing such as urine drug testing, hair drug testing, and saliva drug testing. There was another drug testing method called Spray (sweat) drug screening, this is a patch that is applied to the skin, and collects sweat over a long period, usually ten to fourteen days; if a person does drugs in this time period, the patch will be able to detect it. This method was used by social workers and parole officers, but was stopped by government agencies because of problems and difficulties with the patch. This just goes to show that there is drug-testing going on all over the United States in many different ways. In some cases drug testing is very effective, but overall drug testing is not very accurate or beneficial in the workplace. Unless someone showed up for work under the influence of drugs or alcohol and the employer wants proof that this person is in fact using drugs or alcohol then drug testing in the workplace is meaningless. After conducting research on the subject of random drug testing in the workplace we have concluded that random drug testing does not work. Not to say that it does not have an impact or that it is ineffective to companies or businesses, but this does not work because the tests are not always one hundred percent accurate. For example, drug tests often fail to distinguish the difference between legal and illegal drugs. In 1992 over 22 million drugs tests were distributed and five percent of that 22 million received false positive results, meaning that there were 1.1 million people wrongly terminated or denied a job because of inaccuracy in the drug tests(). On the contrary, if a person uses drugs and they know that the company or organization gives random drug tests they can use detoxifiers regularly in

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