Level 5 Managment- Unit 2

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Unit 2-Promote Professional Development 1) Understand principles of professional development. 1.1 Explain the importance of continually improving knowledge and practice. There are many reasons to continually improve practice and knowledge this includes ensuring you are up to date with relevant policies procedures, legislation, framework and guidelines for good practice. It enables people to learn new skills and adapt practice to ensure that the practice they are giving in continual and appropriate throughout the setting. It ensures that you are aware of any changes that have been made in regards to safeguarding, early year’s foundation stage and first aid etc. It also enables you to gain better understanding of the role and the practice you deliver enabling you to be promoted or applying for a higher role/position. 1.2 Analyse potential barriers of professional development. The potential barrier that can effect professional development are, social barriers this can include finding time to plan training where people can attend, people may not be able to attend for reason’s such as family commitments e.g. not been able to get childcare, social events such as wedding/funerals. Finance barriers this can include not getting funding for training that is required such as First aid and safeguarding or not been able to afford to pay for additional training. 1.3 Compare the use of different source and systems of support for professional development. There are many different sources that individual can use to support development these include books, internet research, referrer course, magazines, consulting with other professional, training programs, college courses, appraisals, support from colleagues. Childcare professionals can use any of the above to improve development, although one method may not work with one professional it may work
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