Louieco Lewis 'The New World Order'

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The New World Order Louieco Lewis Assistant Professor Namaste, a warm respectful Hindu greeting, and Ni Hao, a Chinese greeting equivalent to hello: will either of these be the greeting used by business and political leaders when they meet in the near future? China and India have experienced and continue to experience phenomenal economic growth partly through software development, technological innovation, a low-wage, technologically educated work force, and low-cost manufacturing. Goldman Sach's economic research group in 2001 estimated that the three largest economies in 2050 will be China, the United States, and India. Napoleon, apparently, was aware of China's growth potential during its years of decline in the early 1800s. He said: "Let China sleep, for when China wakes, it will shake the world." Students of history are aware that the West's dominance of the world has been for a relatively short period of time (about 500 years) in the total arc of civilization.…show more content…
The rest of Europe quickly joined in the exploitation of the natural resources, and slaughter of the indigenous peoples, of the New World, from the far north of North Americas, to the tip of South America. After the American Revolution (1775-1783), America was able to flex its economic muscle, partially because of cheap African slave labor and the settlement of land it had stolen from Native Americans. The American Industrial Revolution further propelled the West's economic dominance of the rest of the

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