Perfection Of God Justice

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The Perfection of God’s Justice Dante Alighieri, the author of “Inferno”, created the idea of God’s Justice, and the idea that this presence is in reality a reflection of God’s true emotion and his theory on the punishment that the sinners in hell deserve. Not only is the idea presented in the inferno, but also throughout every single character Dante and Virgil encounter in the book. It is recognized that every person in hell committed some heinous act, therefore the punishment they receive is justice brought by God. By placing each of them in their rightful levels, or sub- levels, each and every sinner is brought justice by God for the sin that they individually committed. The concept of trying to perfect your godliness is punishable by God, just as being Greedy or Stingy with money, acting out in heresy, or even harming yourself by committing suicide, an action harming God’s creation. All of these actions taken by humans are seen as sins by God punishable by the perfection of his justice. In the “Inferno”, Dante goes on a journey through hell to get to heaven and throughout the journey he realized that God’s justice has been perfected to symbolize and embody the punishments deserved by those who sinned. According to Medieval beliefs, when the Judgment day comes, sinners souls will be reunited with their bodies, rendering them more whole or perfect. Thus, as more perfect beings are subjected to Hell’s torment, their pain will only intensify. In Dante’s eyes, this is because the sinners ignored their souls or minds and fulfilled their physical desires, at the price of corrupting their spirits. According to the “Inferno”, “At which I said: “And after the great sentence- o maters- will these torments grow, or else be less, or will the just be as intense?” And he wrote me: “Remember now your science, which says that when a thing has more perfection, so much the
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