Summary: Cerner System

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Cerner System | Cerner Software | An upgrade to Technology in the Health Field | | Yalena A. Walker | 9/29/2014 | HCS/212 Summary: Electronic Health Records and information have become vital to the Health care field where now there are software companies implementing the structure of having a patient’s health information at the tip of your fingertips. | Since the early years, technology in the health care field has grown tremendously. From updates to Facilities. Medical equipment, Doctors, and Nurses, the health care field has become a billion dollar industry. I have been with the health care field for over 15 years, have seen many changes in our technology. Our biggest change was from out dated software systems to…show more content…
I choose the articles for Cerner, for the fact that my employer recently bought a contract with the company. I have grown accustomed to the changes, and know the pros and cons of the software. “Cerner is an integrated database that provides a comprehensive set capabilities allowing health care to electronically store, capture and access patient health information in both acute and ambulatory care setting.” ( Feb. 2012). With this system our facility is able to keep up with the patients’ history even if they were not seen for years. This complex new system has ways of looking up patient history and pharmaceutical information if a drug is not known. Physician orders were now legible and properly sent with the new computerized physician order entry (CPOE). There were issues with the start of the system to locate beds that patients were listed in and how to get labs done from the Lab tech being paged through a paging system. Patient Access Reps, Doctors, and Nurses were now able to use “work station on wheels” (WOW) where portable laptops were used to triage and register a patient rather than the use of…show more content…
Even though this is still signed by the patient with a pen, the hospital is reaching a goal to where the patient can electronically sign on a tablet. The forms are still scanned into the system were later the HIM department will review and obtain any information for billing purposes. This technology has changed the work place to a greater aspect. With everything going electronic, more doctors are able to stay in their own facilities or offices without having to leave to see a patient. Confidential information is sent to the Physicians by an email link that can only be opened by the physician. HIPPA is still in full force where there is no privacy or information given out regarding a patient. The facility is meeting its goals with the Joint Commission adhering to the EMTALA rules and regulations, that patients are being seen in a timely manner and no one is turned away. My employer is continuing to grow and offer more ranges in technology with not just software by Cerner. Their future goals are to have robots with monitor screens that can
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