Survive Judgments In George Gladwell's 'Blink'

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Linda Saelee April 11, 2012 Eng 5-Critical Thinking Journals: Blink (Intro, Chapters 1, 2 & 3) Introduction: Passage: “The third and most important task of this book is to convince you that our snap judgments and first impressions can be educated and controlled. I know that’s hard to believe…Just as we can teach ourselves to think logically and deliberately, we can also teach ourselves to make better snap judgments. In Blink you’ll meet doctors and generals and coaches and furniture designers and musicians and actors and car salesman and countless others, all of whom are very good at what they do and all of whom owe their success, at least in part, to the steps they have taken to shape and manage and educate their unconscious reactions.…show more content…
Gladwell stated what he wanted the readers to get out from his book and what we were expecting. Also, while at the same time Gladwell is persuading the readers to think the way he does. When I read this passage, my first initial thoughts were that learning how to control my judgments and first impressions is impossible. To me the statement, “be in control of your judgments” means the same as the statement, “I have control of my own heart beat,” which is impossible. My judgments are my own and it’s unique. I can’t predict when it happens and when to shut it down, just like my heart beats. I thought this way because whenever I am are faced with someone or something new, I don’t necessarily think over my thoughts to see if it’s reasonable or if I should not think these thoughts. I was questioning how Gladwell will be able to educate and teach someone to control their judgments and first impressions because everyone is different and their thoughts are of course not the same. However, I do understand how learning to control my snap judgments and first impressions is important because it gives people a second chance to prove who they are but everyone is entitled to their own judgment and not everyone has to agree with
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