The Four Characteristics Of A Charismatic Leader

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Introduction: Managers have 4 main functions: planning, organizing, leading and controlling. After setting a plan and setting strategies, managers organize the work and lead their workers to achieve the organization’s goals. Leading means to influence and guide others per principles or values that have been established among the organization. Leading is important in every type of businesses or organization because it helps and maximizes the efficiency and achieve organizational goals. Many theories have been established about the traits and behaviors that leaders should have in their role as what we studied in the course. However, researchers still try to find more behaviors that make leaders more effective. In this essay, we will talk about…show more content…
A charismatic leader should share their feeling with their group and they should support them in tough situations. By sharing and supporting, the leader’s credibility will be established by revealing the quality of leader’s character to his listeners and making them identify and align themselves with him. (Learning Charisma, J.A, M.F, S.L, HBR June 2012, P.129) Also, setting high goals, is another tactic that help charismatic leader to demonstrate passion. The best example for this tactic is the former CEO of sharp, Katsuhiko Machida. At the time when sharp faced collapse and the idea of using LCD technology was unviable. He encourages and supports his employees by saying “By 2005, all TVs we sell in Japan will be LCD models”. (Learning Charisma, J.A, M.F, S.L, HBR June 2012, P.130) In addition, the three nonverbal cues are an important key to charisma which are; expressions of voice, body and face. One of them is animated voice, charismatic leader should use different layers of voice to affect in the people. Pauses are also very important because they convey control. Also, facial expressions will help leader to reinforce his message. Listeners need to see leader’s emotions especially when he tells a story, so he should make eyes contact and have a comfortable smile. Finally, gesture, these are signals for leader’s listeners. Waving a hand or pounding a desk can help draw attention. (Charisma in…show more content…
When managers have good relationship and communication with employees, it will raise their performance and boost their morals. Moreover, charismatic leaders make employees engage and be more active, which will improve the team-work that is essential for realizing organizational goals and achieving them. Another reason to why managers have to become good leaders, is to success on their roles, Sheikha Lubna Al Qasimi, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates are some best examples for successful leaders in the world who by having these characteristics made their success and still shine brightly. We can see their achievement everywhere in life (such as iPhone and Microsoft and in economy). These people believed in themselves and have the charisma that helps them lead their employees and

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