The Pros And Cons Of Migration To The United States

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Nobody denies that many people come to the United State with hope for a better future, with hope for a better quality of life, with hope for better education for their children which they did not receive. Many people from around the world migrate to the United States, some migrate legally and some do not. Tricia Andryszewski stated “nearly nine million people immigrated during 1980’s”(121). People who migrate legally are welcome in the States, on the contrary people who migrated illegally to the States are not welcomed and do not receive any benefits. They are excluded from the society and are neglected. In addition to being excluded from the society, their children are unable to receive any sort of education. Those children grow under…show more content…
However, they should think this way that they came to United States when they were under 10 years of age. It’s not their fault, so they should not be punished. The DREAM Act provides opportunities to these children, to prove them and show that they are capable of doing many things. The DREAM not only allows these children to attend school and gain legal status, but also benefits the economy of the nation. When these children grow up and graduate their college with a degree in their hand, they will get into good jobs. When they go into good jobs, they will surely earn a lot of money. This productive youth population will pay higher taxes which will help United States to compete in the global economy. So, by approving the DREAM act bill, United States discovered thousands of talented and dedicated children. The DREAM act benefited the country not only politically but also economically. In other words, the DREAM act bill helped improved country’s economic conditions and prepared it for the global economy. However, some people think that immigration is increasing poverty in the United States. Graham Matthew states that “Immigration

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