The Roman and Han Empire

273 Words2 Pages
The Roman Empire and Han Dynasty had similar technology; however they were different in economy and inter-regional interaction. Although these similarity helped both to last for such long periods of time, the negative differences inevitably hurt the Han dynasty. Unlike the Han, Romans were much more inter-regional interactive. One reason for this difference is that the Romans were located around a great body of water which allowed them to travel from Europe to North Africa and the Middle East. This led the Roman´s expansion to all three of those regions. On the other hand, the Han could only spread further inland because of its geographical location. This was an important disvantage for the Han dynasty. When it comes to technology, both built roads to help support a growing dependence on trade. This helped both empires become as successful and powerful as they did. Also, having a network of cities helped stabilize each Empire which is without doubt a advancement that helped both empires continue for so many centuries. Economy was very different between the two empires. Obviously, the geographic location was the principal reason to have such differences. Hans relatively isolation from other regions prevented commercial trade and influence from other civilizations. This is a contrast to the Roman Empire which had a very convenient location, to reach other regions in a short amount of time that had different and necessary resources. In conclusion, both Roman and Han Empires had a long and prosperous life through several centuries thanks to their similarities, but ultimately turned out to be superior the Roman Empire as a result of their geographic
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