Understand Why Communication Is Important in the Work Setting

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Unit 001 Introduction to communication in Health, Social care or Children’s and young people’s settings Outcome 1 Understand why communication is important in the working setting 1.1 Identify different reasons why people communicate Communication is essential as without it there would be confusion, people communication for different reasons this could be to give or receive information i.e. Child A has eaten some porridge during snack time, Child A doesn’t normally do this so at the end of the pre-school session we informed the Childs parents of their progress. To Give or receive instructions i.e. Child A is lactose intolerance and therefore can only have soya milk at snack time it is vital that all members of staff follow these instructions. Gaining reassurance and acknowledgement is another form of communication it is always admirable to gain and give compliments. When one is acknowledged for the work that they have done it will impact into the work that is being done. Other reasons why people communicate are to discuss a situation, make a point or outline a concern and develop learning. 1.2 Explain how effective communication affects all aspects of own work Effective communication is a two way process. The person communicating has to make sure they are giving the right message, but also needs to make sure that it is being correctly received and understood by the other person or people. Being able to communicate with all individuals in the preschool setting helps to build a good foundation and understanding between us. Giving information in a clear manner that is understood by the recipient to ensure that it is received in the right way also taking the time to listen to other people’s points of view and concerns. When communicating with children this means talking to them at their level giving good eye contact and reassuring

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