Unit 201 Understand Why Communication Is Important in Adult Social Care Settings.

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1.1 People communicate for a variety of reasons. To express their feelings, to say or show how they feel, to ask for something they need or would like. Also to share information and build relationships. To ask questions and be answered. To reassure a service user to help them to trust you. To build a trust based relationship with the service user requires communication on both parts. Teamwork amongst staff also needs good communication which helps with understanding each service users needs and to provide a good continuity of care. 1.2 Effective communication is is important so that information isn't confused, hence leading to mistakes being made. Being concise, precise, accurate and honest are necessary for any communication between staff and family members and also with service users. Utilising a communication book and also staff hand overs at the beginning of a shift is a necessity when working in care. Staff handover is when you find out if any service user needs extra help or to be observed more often. Communication books can be used for letting staff that you rarely see (ie night staff) that a service user has decided to change something on their breakfast tray, or a change or want of a night drink. This helps with continuity between staff and how the service users needs and wants are met. 1.3 It's important to observe reactions when talking to someone so you can instantly see if they are listening to you or have understood what you have said. If someone is staring off into space the likelihood of them having listened to you is small. Body language also plays a role, such as nodding or shaking of a head, smiling or frowning. Normally if someone has understood you they will smile and/ or nod their head, if they haven't a frown and/ or shaking of their head. If you don't pay attention to someones reactions you can miss their misunderstanding you.
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