Unit 301 Essay

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Unit 301 Outcome 1 1. Identify the different reasons people communicate. People communicate in a wide variety of ways, they communicate to tell their feelings, their thoughts, to share information between one another. Other ways include to build relationships, socialise, to express their needs. Communication is an essential tool in everyday living. I as a carer need to communicate with my colleagues and all the service users, so they can express their needs to me and I can help them in everyday life. 2. Explain how communication affects relationships in the work setting. Communication affects relationships in a work setting, if I communicate well with my colleagues building trust and understanding between us it makes it easier to get things done. Working as part of a team I work alongside my colleagues and we share the work load. Building a good relationship with colleagues means we will co-operate with each other and trust develops between us. If we don’t communicate well in our workplace, it would make your work harder, stop you wanting to go to work and the atmosphere wouldn’t be nice. Having a good relationship with your colleagues, manager and the service users would make you and everyone around you much happier and help everything on a daily basis go smoother. Outcome 2 2. Describe the factors to consider when promoting effective communication. Factors to consider when promoting effective communication are using eye contact, through eye contact we can pick up how people are feeling. When someone looks away when you’re talking to them, it can show a sign of boredom. If someone is angry then they may have a fixed stare and if someone is shy they may not make any eye contact with you. Looking at people’s eyes can tell you quite a lot. There’s people’s faces, faces indicate our emotional state. Whether you’re happy or sad your facial expression can tell
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