Unit 501 Essay

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Unit 511- Develop professional supervision practice in health and social care or children and young people’s settings: Understand the purpose of professional supervision in health and social care or children and young people’s work settings: 1.1) Analyse the principles, scope and purpose of professional supervision: Supervision is a platform for professionally experienced staff to support staff with their learning and enable them to develop their knowledge, skills and their ability to ensure they are able to meet all the service user’s needs. This also ensures that they are aware of policies and procedures and enables them to carry out their role safely and protect themselves and services user’s from harm. Supervision is an opportunity for the supervisor to aid the supervisee, and to advise of practices of working in which they carry out their role in an effective way. A definition by the United Kingdom Central Council (UKCC) 1996 Said “Supervision aims to identify solutions to problems, improve practice and increase understanding of professional issues” I can relate to this, as when supervising or carrying out supervision, I have been able to identify areas in which there is maybe a lack of understanding. This may be incorrect use of equipment; this can be rectified at the time by showing them the correct use. This may have been caused by a lack of training or understanding of the training provided. It may also be that they are not confident or lack knowledge in an area; this may be Dementia for example. This may require the individual to undertake a training course or have more regular supervision to support them with the understanding of Dementia and what it means. Supervision can also identify or bring up poor practice of the supervisee or about another staff member. This will lead to more regular supervision and training or close working with a senior
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