Diversity, Equality and Inclusion

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Unit 303 Principles of diversity, equality and inclusion in adult social care settings. Outcome 1 – Understand the importance of diversity, equality and inclusion. 1.1 Explain what is meant by: Diversity – is about difference and its value is the richness and variety that different people bring to society. * Appearance * Gender * Race * Culture * Ability * Talent * Beliefs Equality – is ensuring individuals or groups of individuals are treated fairly and equally and no less favourably, specific to their needs, including areas of race, gender, disability, religion or belief or sexual orientation and age. Inclusion – involves making the individual the centre of their life. Involving them in everything about them so they are actively involved in all aspects of their life, care and support. Discrimination- negative prejudices develop against people who are different in some ways. Discriminatory behaviour results in unfair, unjust treatment. It could be done against those who are different in respect to their age, sex, nationality, ethnic background, religion, ability, financial status and size. 1.2 –Describe the potential effects of discrimination? Discrimination on the grounds of age, gender, race, sexuality or ability can damage a person’s self esteem, and reduce their ability to develop and maintain a sense of identity. When people are affected by discrimination they experience anger, humiliation, frustration and a feeling of hopelessness. They are made to feel worthless and of less value than other. 1.3 – Explain the importance of inclusive practice in promoting equality and supporting diversity? It helps support individuals to live their lives as fully as possible. Examples of inclusive practices are: * Providing a ramp to give wheelchair access to a building. * Providing information in
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