Hamlet's Final Soliloquy by the Elizabethan Audience

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The Perception of Young Hamlet’s Final Soliloquy By the Elizabethan Audience One must essentially be wheeled back in time, to gain sense of what Shakespearean plays are all about. William Shakespeare’s plays happen to be creations of time and were explicitly meant to entertain and entice the audience of the mid-1500s to the early-1600s. The Elizabethan times were quite different from the present day, and to understand the underlying connotations in Shakespeare’s plays, his past, his performances, and the conditions he lived in must be looked upon. The particular play of interest Hamlet was a play he wrote in 1602 during the last few years of his life. This was the same time period in which he had penned many of his successful tragedies including Othello, Julius Caesar, Macbeth, and King Lear. Many believe that Shakespeare’s one and only son Hamnet Shakespeare’s death in 1596 was the source of his non-stop series of tragedies, but no one knows for sure. To recognize Shakespeare’s exceptional skill of targeting his audience, this essay will focus on the specific soliloquy in Hamlet found in act four, scene four. This final soliloquy commonly known as “How all occasions do inform against me,” can be found from lines 35 to 68 in the specified act and scene. Shakespeare wrote from what he knew, and what he knew came from where he lived and what he witnessed. Understanding his history to an extent will guide readers as to who his target audience was and how they see his plays differently than those of the present day. Shakespeare was born in 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon to a businessman, who eventually got caught up in a terrible debt. In his teenage years, Shakespeare observed the plays, stories of London, and cultures of those trades people who passed in and out of Stratford. It was a time rich of theatrical performances where various towns will pass through and
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