Team Leader Essay

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Level 2 Award in Leadership and Team Skills Candidate Pack 2012/13 Clive Betts Centre Co-ordinator Introduction to the ILM Level 2 Award in Leadership and Team Skills The Level 2 Award in Leadership and Team Skills will provide learners with an introduction to the skills needed when leading teams, covering areas such as self development, improving team performance, planning and monitoring work and encouraging innovation. Is this the right qualification for you? The following profile is provided to help you confirm that this is the right qualification for you: * The qualification is aimed at staff who lead teams. The most common job title for these members of staff are “Team Leaders” although other titles are also used. * Team leaders are best perceived as being part of a team; first and foremost they are practitioners or operators working alongside other team members. Being leaders of teams augments this role, but does not significantly affect their general responsibility to engage in the same or complementary job tasks as the other team members. Given that teams are likely to contain relatively small numbers of people (probably in the range 6 – 12), the team leader’s span of control is quite small. * The team leader role is distinct from that of middle managers in its tendency to focus on the shorter term, on the day-to-day performance of the team and its members. This means a responsibility for allocating tasks between team members, for ensuring that individuals are supported in the performance of their job role, and that output conforms to the requirements of the organisation and its customers. Communication between the team and its managers is a significant part of the team leader role. * Rarely do Team leaders manage staff who also have responsibility for managing others (eg other Team leaders). * Team leaders can be

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