Developing Effective Communication In Health And Social Care

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Unit 1 P1 Developing effective communication in health and social care. 2014 Introduction This booklet will consist of effective communication in a health and social care environment, it will consist of everything we have recently learnt during our lessons. Health and social care settings include: Hospitals, nurseries, care homes etc. Service users include: Patients, the elderly, children, babies. Communication is important as we will be engaging in conversation with service users as a health and social care professional to create a comfortable environment to allow the service user to trust and open up to the professional, as well as communicating with colleagues and mangers. What is communication Communication is when we exchange…show more content…
Warm up take indicates that you value them Develop trust and confidentiality This may mean use of slang shortened words, cursing as well as inside jokes with family and friends. As a health and social care professional should stay clear of informal communication to a patient excluding the fact that the patient which is being treated id familiar. If a professional uses informal communication the service user might get the wrong idea and feel disrespected. If this is the case the professional has failed to create rapport and a positive and comfortable atmosphere. Non – Verbal communication Usually within a certain amount of minutes of meeting someone, we usually have already passed judgement ‘professionals are able to tell a service users emotion we can figure out what the personal is thinking. Non verbal communication means we use communication without the use of spoken language. It is described as sending a message without the use of words non verbal communication includes gestures, facial expressions and biddy positions as well as unspoken communication and…show more content…
All of these communicate something without the use of oral or written language. Even if words are not used, the silence can communicate in a nonverbal way” – Reflective listening Usually to tell what people’s emotions we watch their nonverbal communication. Whitehouse M (2010) Stretch B states that understanding both what a person says and what a person feels, and then relaying this back to him or her in your own words. We can learn about people who are different from us by checking understanding can involve listening, checking understanding can involve listening to what other people say and then ask questions. When we listen to complicated details of other people’s lives. We often begin to form mental pictures based on what they tell us. The skill of listening involves thinking about what we hear while we are listening and checking our understanding as the conversation flows. This is an important skill to have as a professional as professionals will be dealing with many patients, elderly people, babies , children. This involves us using a lot of reflective
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